Home and Life Insurance

Author: Vertille Lewis |

Mortgage Renewals Wasaga Beach

Term Life Insurance
Term life insurance is designed to cover a person for a set term and focalized in pure protection. Its sole function is to support the beneficiary of the policy (typically spouse, children or estate) in case the person passes away during the term and receiving the death benefit as a lump sum amount tax-free. This insurance is the most affordable in the market as it allows the person to have larger coverage for less price and give the opportunity to invest the difference.

  • Affordable and quality wealth protection
  • Explore ways to reduce your life insurance cost
  • Start saving for retirement
  • Plan your future

Home protection
Homeowners insurance covers losses and damages to an individual’s residence interior and exterior, the loss or theft of possessions it also provides personal liability against accidents in the home or on the property. Home insurance is a necessity not only for the protection nearly all mortgages’ companies require borrowers to have insurance coverage for the fair or full value of the property and will not proceed without proof of it.

  • Provides competitive quotes in 10 minutes or less.
  • Includes bundled pricing and eligible discounts (available in select provinces).
  • Clients can rest assured that they are selecting and purchasing the best value insurance with the best rates


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